Friday, May 29, 2020

Representing Early America in Wieland - Literature Essay Samples

In the gothic novel Wieland [1], Charles Brockden Brown confronts the anxieties of the early United States Republic regarding the sense of the threat posed by â€Å"wandering anarchists, dangerous foreigners and murderous savages.† As a work of the transnational imaginary, Wieland centers on the impact of the foreign ‘other’ on a family which can be seen to represent the wider context of colonial America. The novel was written in 1798, at which time the American Republic was still young and its national identity was in a fragile and incomplete state of progress. The lack of unity bought by Carwin and the outsiders he stands for presented a sense of jeopardy in the nation’s search for this identity. Francis Carwin epitomizes the type of character at the center of these anxieties, as he appears to be an embodiment of all the aspects of an outsider which caused them to be seen as a threat to the unity and stability of the American Republic. He was born British, assimilated himself into Spanish culture, and at the time of the novel’s events attempts to insert himself into a colonial Philadelphian family. He appears as an ‘alien’ among the familiar harmony of the family that embodies the early American Republican focus on unity and insularity. It is tempting to argue that Brockden Brown confronts the transnational sense of anxiety over the dangers of the other in such a way as to justify it, and show it to be felt with a sufficient degree of legitimacy. Certainly, Carwin can be seen as the root cause of the family’s downfall, with his deceitful uses of biloquism planting the seeds of insanity in Theodore Wieland’s mind. Francesca Orestano certainly appears to support the notion that Carwin is the source of the fractures in the family’s dynamic as she argues that â€Å"The chimera, at once agent and cypher of the fatal change in Wielands orderly microcosm, is a transatlantic refugee named Carwin, whose ventriloquism allows him to shift from one identity into another† [2]. With this singular statement, Orestano touches on several crucial points with regards to the anxieties of the Early American Republic as portrayed within Brockden Brown’s work of the transnational imaginary. The metaphorical comparison of Carwin to a â€Å"chimera,† a fire breathing monster from Greek mythology, presents him as kind of symbol of destruction as he uses his vocal talents to set everything around him ‘ablaze’ with confusion and madness. However, on a deeper level, the chimera becomes an even more appropriate metaphor for Carwin, as it is by nature composed of the parts of several different animals all joined together to form one body. In light of this, Orestano can be seen to be referencing Carwin’s mixture of cultures as a man who is born British, before abandoning this culture to take on a Spanish identity, and then trying to insert himself into the American culture. She appears to imply that such a hybrid of national identities is, at least within the context of Brockden Brown’s novel, monstrous. It is his ability to shift between identities which symbolizes the dangers of cultural diversity for a newly formed nation. From this view, it is perhaps only through unity that a new nation can survive and prosper, as the arrival of one who brings diversity throws the status quo into disarray. Orestano also argues in favor of Carwin being the navigator of the developments which take the family from a posit ion of stability to a position of chaos. This stands in support of the notion that the sense of paranoia shaping the late eighteenth century transnational imagination is more founded than unfounded, as Carwin’s appearance and its effects on the Wieland’s and the Pleyel’s can be seen to confirm it. The description of Wieland’s family unit as a â€Å"microcosm† is interesting, as the ordered and insular existence formed between the two American couples can indeed be seen to represent the wider context of the thirteen colonies and their struggle for a sense of unity and nationality in the face of oppressive British colonialism and the external threats of conflict in the wake of the French and Indian wars. Clara and Wieland themselves make allusions to this sense of their family as a microcosm of the United States Republic as they discuss whether â€Å"the picture of a single family [could offer] a model from which to sketch the condition of a nationà ¢â‚¬  (29). However, while Carwin may initially appear to be presented as a purely antagonistic figure, who both feeds and confirms the repulsions felt towards him by the Wielands and the Pleyels, this is not necessarily the case. The paranoia which shapes Brockden Brown’s work of transnational imagination is indeed shown to be free-floating as opposed to being grounded in anything specific or legitimate. This is particularly evident as Clara’s anxieties over his sudden appearance begin before he has been tied to any of the misfortune which befalls her family unit. After their brief initial meeting, she obsesses over him to the point of drawing a portrait of his face and recounting the way in which he causes her to become â€Å"absorbed in thoughts ominous and dreary† (49). Indeed, Carwin evokes anguished thoughts in Clara about the inevitability of death and ambiguous feelings of dread, yet she offers up little in the way of solid reasoning behind these feelings. Clara appe ars to obsess over Carwin to such a degree that her once rational demeanor crumbles away, leading us to question her reliability as a narrator, and subsequently question whether or not Carwin’s part in the tragedy is overplayed or even fabricated entirely. Clara herself questions whether Carwin is in actual fact a â€Å"phantom of [her] own creation† (69), which becomes more likely given the fact that she is inherently predisposed to the same madness that her brother ultimately succumbs to. She reaffirms her uncertainty over her accusations of Carwin as she admits that â€Å"whether Wieland was a maniac, a faithful servant of his God, the victim of hellish illusions, or the dupe of human imposture, was by no means certain† (142). Indeed, even with her constant convictions that Carwin is a bringer of destruction and tragedy for her family, Clara admits that he may have only played a small part in her brother’s descent into madness, if any part at all. Emor y Elliott highlights the idea of these anxieties over Carwin’s presence being without justification as he argues that â€Å"Given the centrality of the threat that Carwin represents in the novel and the complete lack of satisfying answers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Brown’s readers are correct to wonder whether the book is an exercise in social paranoia† [3]. Certainly, Clara’s narration appears to consistently define Carwin as an antagonist, introducing him as â€Å"the author† (144) of the horrific events leading to her family’s downfall. However, from an external point of view, the true antagonist appears to none other than her brother, as he is the perpetrator of the gruesome murders of his wife and children. Although Carwin confesses that he used his vocal talents to create the illusion of voices, he never explicitly states that he convinced Wieland to murder his own family. Therefore, much of Carwin’s villainy can be seen to be a work of Clara ’s free-floating paranoia as she talks from the perspective of a woman who has been conditioned to reject the external outsider, and to remain within the boundaries of an insular American existence. Furthering the idea that the downfall of Clara’s family is only falsely attributed to the work of Carwin, the novel is actually imbued with the notion that all of the destructive qualities needed to upend the lives of the Wielands and the Pleyels are already existent within their family units. From this perspective, Carwin is at worst a catalyst for their downfall, and at best a scapegoat for actions he was not truly to blame for. The inherent insanity which spans back three generations of the Wieland family is key to this notion, as it suggests that Wieland himself was a predisposed ticking time bomb of sorts, independent of Carwin’s interference. Susan Williams Brown supports this idea as she states that â€Å"[Wieland] is a pathetic character, a victim of inherited insanity with a fate predetermined by the history of the family† [4]. This â€Å"history of the family† which Williams Brown speaks of could also refer to the history of the United States Rep ublic, which was built up quite literally over the blood of the natives. These seeds of corruption seem to be embodied within the character of Wieland, whose madness creates an unstable foundation for the little community he and his sister have built for themselves. Brockden Brown conveys the sense that no kind of stable settlement could spring from so much suffering, whether it be the systematic slaughter of the Native Americans or the festering insanity of the Wieland family. Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock supports Williams Brown’s suggestion that it is Wieland, and not Carwin, who was the deserving subject of the family’s paranoia as he argues that â€Å"Carwin’s intervention may well have been a precipitating factor leading Wieland to act upon repressed desires, but the evidence seems to suggest that the voice of God heard by Wieland was neither God nor Carwin but rather the voice of the other within† [5]. The implication here is that Carwin does pose a thr eat to the family, but only in so far as his role as the one who reveals the issues which are predominantly internalized. Perhaps with regards to the anxieties of the early United States Republic it can be deduced that the source of the free-floating paranoia over ‘dangerous foreigners’ and ‘wandering anarchists’ is based around the idea that these external individuals possess the capability to expose the true instability of the fragile young nation. The anxieties may be merely an external projection of the issues within, in an attempt to paper over the cracks and make an unstable nation appear stable by scapegoating outsiders and blaming the non-present other. It is important to note that at the novel’s climax, the ultimate confrontation is one of violence between brother and sister. In other words, violence between insider and insider and oppose to insider and outsider. This can be seen to be symbolic of the unrest within the early United States Re public, as the tensions over external wars and British oppression eventually came to a head shortly after the setting of Wieland, and shortly before the time of its writing and publication. In addition to his underlying mental illness, the breakdown of Wieland’s stability and the subsequent downfall of his family can be attributed to his religious fanaticism, as he all too quickly accepts Carwin’s practical jokes of biloquism as being the voice of God. Howard I Kushner supports this notion as he insists that it is not the threat of a foreigner or a wanderer which leads Wieland to slaughter his wife and children, but rather a fatal combination of his religion and his underlying insanity as he states the way in which many have â€Å"connected Theodore Wieland’s madness and suicide to his Puritan-like obedience and to what he interpreted to be God’s will†¦Rejecting man’s reason and law as fallible, Wieland submitted only to the voice of God†[6]. In addition to confronting the paranoia of the early American Republic with regards to outsiders in such a way as to make it appear unfounded, Brockden Brown simultaneously delineates the dangers of this way of thinking. Robert S Levine highlights this notion as he suggests that â€Å"though Wieland could be read as a text concerned about the new nation’s vulnerability to aliens of unknown origins and motives, the Schuylkill community’s hysterical response to Carwin could also be taken to suggest that Brown is concerned about the way in which paranoia and hysteria were used to legitimate repressive anti-alien laws†[7]. Indeed, Wieland was published in 1798, a year which took place shortly after the American Revolution culminated in independence from Britain and a rise in concerns about cultural and religious differences threatening the unity of the nation. Consequently, 1798 was the same year that saw the passing of the Alien and Sedition acts which increased Ame rican residency requirements and allowed for easier deportation of ‘aliens’ who were deemed to pose a threat to the American people. Levine also notes that Brockden Brown himself, as a citizen of Philadelphia, shared in the sense of paranoia around him as he states that â€Å"as anxious and nativist as his novels might be, they are also knowing mediations on and critiques of the process of defining a nation against racial and ethnic orders† [8]. In other words, through the writing of Wieland, Brockden Brown manages to overlook his own socially programmed anxieties of the other in order to correctly recognise them as being irrational and oppressive. The repulsion which Clara feels towards Carwin seems to be felt before even meeting him, as soon as she spots him in the grounds of her home. Rather than abhorring him for any specific reason, her issue stems largely from his attempt at assimilating himself into a culture which was not his own as he took on many traits of a Spaniard, together with his ambiguous past and his general sense of foreignness. This is telling of the way in which the American people were encouraged to rally against the threat of outsiders in a bid to create a sense of national unity and identity. However, such staunch closed mindedness is exposed by Brockden Brown as being dangerously oppressive leading to the scapegoating of perceived â€Å"foreigners.† Juliet Shields highlight the way in which Brockden Brown uses Carwin as a means through which to convey this danger as she suggests that â€Å"Carwin becomes a scapegoat for the murders caused by Wieland’s own flawed reasoning and the isolated insularity of Mettigen† [9]. Indeed, her suggestion that the isolation of the family’s farm contributes to Wieland’s growing insanity is interesting, as it stands in opposition to the idea that it is the disturbance of their isolation by Carwin which triggers it. In a wider context, this implies t hat the discouragement of transnational migration was counterproductive to the nations stability, as its isolation and rejection of diversity was a weakening force as opposed to a strengthening one. Wieland thus confronts the anxieties regarding the threat of outsiders present in the early American Republic by juxtaposing the classic cultural ‘other’ of Carwin against the unified American Republican microcosm of the Wieland-Pleyel family unit. The first person epistolary narrative allows Clara’s deep sense of anxiety and fascination with Carwin to be fully emphasized, but also allows the reader room to question her credibility and to draw on the gap between the dangerous antagonist she perceives him to be and the actual lack of evidence to support this, particularly when set against the murderous psychosis of her brother Wieland. In this sense, Brockden Brown portrays these anxieties as not only without solid justification, but also as holding the potential to become dangerous and oppressive. Clara’s constant attempts to use Carwin as a scapegoat for her family’s misfortune are suggestive of the way in which such free-floating paranoia feeds seg regation and oppression. Bibliography Brockden Brown, Charles. Wieland, Or, The Transformation, edited by Philip Barnard and Stephen Shapiro. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 2009. Elliott, Emory. Introduction to Wieland; Or the Transformation and Memoirs of Carwin, the Biloquist, by Charles Brockden Brown, vii – xvii. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Kushner, Howard I. American Suicide: A Psychocultural Exploration. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1991. Levine, Robert S. â€Å"Race and Ethnicity.† In A Companion to American Fiction 1780 – 1865, edited by Shirley Samuels, 52 – 63. Oxford: John Wiley Sons, 2008. Levine, Robert S. â€Å"Race and Nation in Brown’s Louisiana Writings of 1803.† In Revising Charles Brockden Brown: Culture, Politics and Sexuality in the Early Republic, edited by Philip Barnard, Mark L. Kamrath and Stephen Shapiro, 332 – 353. Knoxville: Univ. of Tennessee Press, 2004. Orestano, Francesca. â€Å"The Case for John Neal: Gothic Naturalized.† In Gothick Origins and Innovations, edited by Allan Lloyd Smith and Victor Sage, 95 – 114. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. Shields, Juliet. Nation and Migration: The Making of British Atlantic Literature 1765 – 1835. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Kindle edition. Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew. Charles Brockden Brown. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2011. Williams Brown, Susan. Villainy in Brockden Brown’s Wieland and Arthur Mervyn: Structural Unity Throughout the Development of Characters and Universal Themes. Dallas: Texas Woman’s University, 1982. [1] Charles Brockden Brown, Wieland, Or, The Transformation, ed. Philip Barnard and Stephen Shapiro (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 2009). Subsequent references in parenthesis are to this edition. [2] Francesca Orestano, â€Å"The Case for John Neal: Gothic Naturalized†, in Gothick Origins and Innovations, ed. Allan Lloyd Smith and Victor Sage (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994), 98. [3] Emory Elliott, introduction to Wieland; Or the Transformation and Memoirs of Carwin, the Biloquist, by Charles Brockden Brown (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), xxix [4] Susan Williams Brown, Villainy in Brockden Brown’s Wieland and Arthur Mervyn: Structural Unity Throughout the Development of Characters and Universal Themes (Dallas: Texas Woman’s University, 1982), 77. [5] Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, Charles Brockden Brown (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2011), 103. [6] Howard I. Kushner, American Suicide: A Psychocultural Exploration (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press , 1991), 31. [7] Robert S. Levine, â€Å"Race and Nation in Brown’s Louisiana Writings of 1803†, in Revising Charles Brockden Brown: Culture, Politics and Sexuality in the Early Republic, ed. Philip Barnard, Mark L. Kamrath and Stephen Shapiro (Knoxville: Univ. of Tennessee Press, 2004), 342. [8] Robert S. Levine, â€Å"Race and Ethnicity†, in A Companion to American Fiction 1780 – 1865, ed. Shirley Samuels (Oxford: John Wiley Sons, 2008), 55. [9] Juliet Shields, Nation and Migration: The Making of British Atlantic Literature, 1765 – 1835 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015), Kindle edition.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Up in Arms About National Honor Society Essay Samples?

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Some local sections will expect you to have served a specific number of network administration hours as an approach to qualify. </p> <p>When you have recognized a need'' in your locale, give significant plan to potential compelling approaches to satisfy the need or deal with the issue. Advise approaches to impact the present world around. You should make reference to things which are essential to you as an individual. It's the biggest brain research related society on the planet with more than 1,000 sections around the usa. </p> <p >According to the ECS NHS Handbook, a composed letter could be sent expressing that the understudy wasn't chosen and an explanation for that non-determination might be noted. Indeed, ample opportunity has already past to form a meeting paper to be prepared for entering a school. In case you're watching out for a brain science grant, there should be various assorted honors you may apply for. 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Monday, May 25, 2020

College Essay Topic - Find Out Why It Is Important

School Essay Topic - Find Out Why It Is ImportantIf you need to compose an effective school paper then it is significant that you think of a fascinating and positive exposition theme. As a rule, on the off chance that you are getting ready for a school test, at that point it will be simple for you to get some answers concerning the different themes which won't generally be excessively troublesome. The issue emerges when you are planning for a general test. A major level of individuals try not to discover what they can anticipate from the paper topics.It is critical to set out your goal plainly with the goal that you will have the option to concentrate on the topic and have a comprehension of the structure of the exposition. This is significant as it will assist you with getting ready in an organized way. You will have the option to respond to the inquiries rapidly and can think of powerful responses to assist you with gaining the top imprints for the essay.The first thing that you ha ve to do is to set out the fundamental data in your article. You have to talk about the subject, the significant subjects and other significant subtleties, for example, your enthusiasm for the theme and your methodology towards the topic.The next thing that you have to do is to discover the watchwords that will be required to finish the exposition effectively. You will have the option to discover the catchphrases by counseling the college inventory or by utilizing the assistance of online resources.The initial segment of the exposition is generally worried about the fundamental thoughts. At that point the following area will give the subtleties of the exploration for the subject and afterward comes the resolution segment. It is significant that you talk about all the issues that you think applicable to the point, however hold the rest to the edges of the essay.The next significant thing that you ought to consider is the style of composing and language structure. It is significant th at you think of a straight forward yet composed exposition theme negative By following the tips and methods referenced above, you will have the option to compose school paper points that will empower you to meet all the prerequisites and will assist you with earning good grades for the article. Composing a convincing and intriguing exposition will without a doubt be simple once you have thought of a subject that you feel energetic about.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Argument About Topics for Reporting Essay

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Thursday, May 21, 2020

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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why People Arent Talking About Research Essay Samples and What You Should Do Right Now About It

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In the event that you disregard to present your work dependably, you chance getting a decreased evaluation or expecting to retake the entire course. Subsequently, it will be kind of your own exploration and a way to communicate own considerations. School brutality is a social issue, in this manner there's something which all people can do to help shut down the viciousness among out youths. </p> <h2> Research Essay Samples - Overview </h2> <p>Don't spare a moment to examine through some of the examples to get a thought regarding what your paper will resemble in the event that you select to arrange from us. Regardless of whether you are needing an example, a diagram, extended exposition subjects, or an entire redid paper, our specialists are able to give capable help. Research Paper arrangement implies taking care of a lot of data. You may likewise benefit from our on-line proposition articulation models and composing help in the event that you should com plete your paper quick. </p> <p>If you need help with some bit of your task or the entire paper, there isn't any need to join to our site. As a general rule, other than requesting help with the subject, you may likewise demand for a customized paper, composed dependent on the guidelines as set out in your brief. As a general rule, other than getting an example or help with just the subject, you can arrange a unique specially designed paper from our certified specialists. Since you may see, there's no motivation to be hysterical about composing an exploration paper.</p> <p>From time to time, an educator runs over that 1 article that is flawlessly composed, the entirety of the route from the subject, to the structure and substance. Despite what's the point of your article, there's a preset number of focuses which you will be relied upon to manage. The expectation of the articles is to communicate your very own abilities, character characteristics, thoughts and thoughts, which will drive you to ap pear to be unique from a few different candidates and present you as an inventive, submitted and keen person. </p> <p>An article include bunches of reasoning and self-examination. Communicating with composed words is a genuine workmanship. Consider your article is restricted with regards to word tally. Investigate paper models that you're ready to run over on the web. </p> <p>Men and ladies will in general pick a scope of topics of what their identity is and endeavor to portray every one of them. Research is stage one. Research Paper isn't an undertaking for a solitary day. An individual ought to understand that each Research Paper is a refined composing since it must contain unmistakable research and particular thought. </p> <p>If you're going to make an exposition about your absolute best companion, at that point you have to know how you will connect with your crowd and the manner in which you will establish a sturdy connection with your educator. Basically connecting with an individual doesn't make them bound to be your absolute best companion, however they likewi se need to help you as a person. You'll have everything effectively accessible, and won't need to chase for anything new at the past second. Anybody might be the setback of school brutality. </p> <p>An article is a little artful culmination that every understudy ought to be able to make. Understudies need to make articles dependent on the educator's guidelines or their favored style recorded as a hard copy. They have occupied existences and regularly disregard an up and coming cutoff time. A few understudies basically don't have adequate information for a clear activity. </p> <p>A prepared proficient will make a mistake free task immediately and can assist you with boosting your evaluations. You should see how to create a successful article as it is an average establishment for an understudy's evaluation. Google search class you could compose. Understudies who discover they come up short on the abilities important to explore and plan tolerable article theme thoughts should take a gander at getting help from our specialists. </p> <h2> The Benefits of Research Essay Samples</h2> <p>As you can't be sure that the data is exact, it's optimal to maintain a strategic distance from Wikipedia. The words you pick to present and remark on the data that you present, notwithstanding the heading you blend data from a few sources, will introduce your disposition to the substance. The points ought to be explicit. Perusing for full content articles implies you will be able to peruse the entire article right away. </p> <h2>Life, De ath and Research Essay Samples </h2> <p>The second district of the article is known as the free undertaking. Purchase redid articles from us and you can't turn out badly. There's no perfect arrangement about how to create a viable paper. On the off chance that you don't see how to form an application exposition, don't get furious and ask application article help, which will prompt a uniquely crafted application paper that will constrain you to genuinely feel calmed. </p> <h2> New Ideas Into Research Essay Samples Never Before Revealed</h2> <p>You're ensured a decent pay in case of any flaw on the gathering. Don't hesitate to demand modifications on the off chance that you feel that any part of the paper neglects to satisfy your desires. Endeavor to make an outline of your inclinations you can work with. At times your absolute first draft may turn into the last one because of it being fairly acceptable, yet in most of circumstances, it requires fur ther work. </p>

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Nonviolent Resistance And Nonviolent Action - 2197 Words

Throughout decades there have been many revolutions and protest against tyrants, dictatorships, unjust governments, and unjust laws. These movements strived to change policies, secure concessions, defeat repressive regimes, instill justice and equality—bring about a social change. The success of many of these revolutions was not due to the use of arms and weaponry or physical violence, instead, it was due to the strategic use of nonviolent action. Notable revolutions such as the Civil Rights Movement, Apartheid, and the Dandi Satyagraha (The Salt March) employed a variety of nonviolent tactics that amassed many supporters and ultimately achieved their goals. Thus, it is logical enough to say that nonviolent resistance is effective and has the ability to force a social change. In fact, nonviolent action is a far better method for social change than violent works. To begin with, Gene Sharp, an expert on Peace Studies and Nonviolent Resistance, defines nonviolent action as, †Å"methods of protest, noncooperation, and intervention in which the actionists, without employing physical violence, refuse to do certain things which they are expected, or required to do; or do certain things which they are not expected, or are forbidden to do.† In other words, it is a way of opposition or the practice of achieving goals without the use of violence. Nonviolent action encompasses a large arrays of phenomena: nonviolent resistance, satyagraha, passive resistance, symbolic protests, economicShow MoreRelatedDr. Martin Luther King1246 Words   |  5 Pagespowerful speaking skills combined with his courageous actions on behalf of racial justice, makes him a compelling exemplar of philosophical advocacy in action. Dr. King is widely regarded as America s pre-eminent advocate of nonviolence and one of the greatest nonviolent leaders in world history. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was cognizance of the interrelatedness of the society mostly the Black Christian society. K ing s method of nonviolent direct action worked slowly and involved great struggle. MartinRead MoreCivil Disobedience, By Henry David Thoreau1650 Words   |  7 Pagesmedia against a president they cannot accept. Nonviolent resistance has, in many ways, defined the resistance to authoritarian governments and decisions in the past century or so. But is it the most effective way to defeat authoritarian governments? Doesn’t defeating a truly authoritarian government -- a government led by a ruthless leader like Hitler -- require violence? Is using nonviolent resistance actually a way to acquiesce to the controlling powers, a way to show weakness? In his 1849Read MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Letter From Birmingham Jail812 Words   |  4 PagesAmerica. The Civil Rights Movement was under way. African Americans were fighting for their basic human rights. One of the most notable figures of the Civil Rights Movement was Martin Luther King Jr. He fought for African American’s rights using nonviolent resistance; however, during a protest in Birmingham, Alabama, Dr. King was thrown into jail. While in his jail cell, Dr. King wrote a letter to clergymen from the Birmingham jail claiming his stance on peaceful confrontation on defending African American’sRead MoreMartin Luther King Rhetorical Analysis1260 Words   |  6 Pagespeople thought about their actions, the actions of others, and that of the government were challenged and reexamined, which was necessary in order to achieve true equality. As a theologian, King was committed to peace and slowly began to understand the meaning and power behind nonviolent resistance - a concept he was first exposed to at college when reading Henry David Thoreau’s Essay on Civil Disobedience. During 1955-1956, King enacted this philosophy of nonviolent resistance through his involvementRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Essay1624 Words   |  7 Pagesdomestic conflict outside of the interwar period. Schmitt’s theory assists in understanding the racial segregation in the United States as political. However, while King identified similar critiques of liberalism as Schmitt, he believed that nonviolent direct action was an effective, politically engaged method which sought to obtain equal civil rights for African Americans as opposed to usurping power from the state. While not inherently political, Schmitt argues that societal realms such as economicRead MoreThe Use Of Nonviolent Resistance By Martin Luther King Jr.1562 Words   |  7 Pagesdrawbacks benefits, and the circumstances in which they may or may not be justified. The first technique people can use is nonviolent resistance. There are various of reasons why some people may argue nonviolent resistance is indeed very effective and stronger and more powerful than violent resistance. To begin with, it calls out attention. When one does a nonviolent resistance, it has a very powerful meaning because the people can peacefully challenge their opponent by addressing the social problemRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Iron Jawed Angels By Martin Luther King Jr930 Words   |  4 Pagesthree ways to deal with oppression. Dr. King believed the best defense against oppression being that of nonviolent resistance. The film Iron Jawed Angels (IJA) is also great example of oppression with the struggle to women rights in the United States. Mr. King stated that there are three ways of oppression that oppressed people deal with, acquiescence, physical violence, and nonviolent resistance. One must come out of their comfort zone in order to see new and in most cases better outcomes. Mr. KingRead MoreThe Philosophy Of A King Martin Luther King Jr.1305 Words   |  6 Pagespeaceful protest. In his writing â€Å"Nonviolence and Racial Justice†, King clearly explains his methods of Nonviolent resistance. First, King says that nonviolent actions are not the actions of a coward. Nonviolent resisters of evil are not physically aggressive, but they keep their minds and emotions active by revealing to the oppressor their wrongdoings. Second, King believes that the nonviolent goals is to win friendship and understanding, not hate or humiliation; that violence creates bitternessRead MoreWar Causes Pain And Distress1242 Words   |  5 PagesGene Sharp’s understanding of the techniques of nonviolent actions is the most effective solution. He touches bases on three non-violence methods of actions that can be approached in his reading done in 1968. Gene Sharp was a t heorist of non-violent actions. None violent actions lead to change in many situations whether people are being discriminated against or just want change. Gene Sharp teaches three class methods of non-violent actions; nonviolent protest, non-violent cooperation, and non-violentRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement : Martin Luther King Jr.1305 Words   |  6 Pagesin Birmingham City Jail due to nonviolent resistance participation which was unapproved by a group of white clergymen. In this letter, King addresses these clergymen’s critics about the demonstrations being unwise and untimely, and saying that the participants of such were outsiders coming in. King points out how whites are disturbed by the demonstrations, yet the reason these demonstrations have arisen don’t seem to concern them. They may ask why direct-action must be used, or why do marches

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Essay Topics - How to Find the Right Essay Topics

<h1>Essay Topics - How to Find the Right Essay Topics</h1><p>The article 'Exposition Topics - How to Find the Right Essay Topics' in Blithedale is a page committed to a few paper subjects. This paper administrations organization has been in the matter of exposition composing administrations for a long time and their capacity to convey great quality papers has made them mainstream among various organizations and people. The organization utilizes one of a kind article subjects to create phenomenal exposition points and will likewise give test papers that customers can use to compose their own paper.</p><p></p><p>As the organization has been in the business for a long while, it is nothing unexpected that they can deliver outstanding quality papers. They have the labor, gear and offices that empower them to give exposition subjects that their customers will be glad for. It is notable that FSR and Ripley utilize distinctive exposition themes yet B lithedale has likewise effectively delivered articles from this organization. The following is a framework of the various points that are available.</p><p></p><p>FPR Blithedale RPMance is the name given to a progression of papers by youthful experts that extend from school level to ace's level. This article administration is fit for composing expositions that are composed well and hold the enthusiasm of the two scholastics and bosses. The essential objective of this administration is to give thoughts that are basic to progress and to guarantee that these understudies' thoughts are important to the businesses. They are likewise ready to apply these expositions to different tasks and assignments and are additionally expected to get ready and present an undertaking at a seminar.</p><p></p><p>FPR Blithedale won't just have the option to compose for this administration yet additionally to compose and alter papers for different organizations that may be keen on employing them to compose their articles. They have even helped different organizations with research and altering administrations also. On the off chance that you need work done by a creator or editorial manager, FSR Blithedale is the organization for you. With such a significant number of scholars, they will give all you need, whether or not you need an author for a proposition, thesis, inquire about paper, sociology piece or presentation.</p><p></p><p>FPR Blithedale can likewise compose papers for you that contain new and imaginative points of view on your subject. They are continually ready to examine various ways to deal with a similar subject and are happy to consider some fresh possibilities to check whether something else would work. For instance, they may offer a theory venture that assists understudies with finding an absolutely new point of view on an old subject. Along these lines, you can gain some new useful knowledge as wel l as to discover answers for issues that are not completely understood.</p><p></p><p>In terms of consummation, FSR Blithedale has given a thesis that was finished by a graduate degree applicant. A graduate degree isn't a prerequisite for working with them. They can compose papers that are like the sort of thing you would discover in expositions yet in English.</p><p></p><p>FPR Blithedale additionally offers the types of assistance of composing theses for secondary school and center school understudies. These sorts of expositions must be composed rapidly so the secondary school understudy can finish it before the cutoff time. There are a wealth of issues that secondary school understudies will look during their professions, for example, increasing passing marks and finding the best vocation for them. It is significant that they get all the assist they with expecting to complete their papers.</p><p></p><p>These ar e only a couple of the most significant things to think about FSR Blithedale and the exposition benefits that they give. They have various themes that they will compose expositions for and there are a wide range of subjects that you can choose from. Whatever your needs may be, you will have the option to locate the suitable article theme that will accommodate your needs.</p>

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Application Volunteer Trends Sample Essay

Application Volunteer Trends Sample EssayIf you are interested in applying for the positions that your organization will be offering, be sure to pay attention to the application volunteer trends sample essay. While this is not a time to do too much research on the internet, you can use this as an opportunity to get a good understanding of what types of questions and situations are being asked during the interview process.To begin, the application volunteer trends sample essay is designed to help you understand what types of questions or scenarios may be asked by your interviewer. This is not something that you want to waste your time doing research on, so take your time to gather as much information as possible before writing your essay. In the process, you will have an understanding of what the interviewer wants to see when they ask these types of questions.The first part of the application volunteer trends sample essay is usually centered around your ability to write. You want to g et into the process with the assumption that the interviewers are not going to be paying too much attention to your academic credentials or academic background. So instead of putting a lot of thought into what you may have studied in college, focus more on what skills you have as a person. Think about how you handle difficult situations in the workplace and how your ability to be calm under pressure could be useful in your new job.Interviewers will not be interested in your academic achievements if your interview is focused on your personality and work ethic. They are looking for applicants who exhibit these qualities on the interview, so take the time to really think about your strengths and weaknesses.After you have identified your strengths, it is important to compare them to the candidate's efforts in the job description. If there is a clear difference between the two, you will be able to write an application to volunteer trends sample essay to highlight the specific differences and highlight why they are a better fit for the position.In addition to the interview questions, the interviewer may also request a section of your resume to look at your personality traits, as well as your specific talents. These sections will be a great opportunity to highlight your skill set and highlight the most unique attributes that may be uniquely yours. You should also remember that your resume is only one piece of the puzzle, so be sure to spend some time checking out the other portions of your resume.An interview question may be asking for a sample essay, but this is not necessarily a sign that you will be asked to write an essay on a specific topic. In fact, if your interviewer does not ask for any samples, then they may simply be looking for you to share a little bit of your experiences.If the interviewer asks for examples of your past writing, try to come up with a topic that has nothing to do with your interview. If you have had a close relationship with someone and are asked to write about this relationship, consider sharing your current life as you relate to the person in question. Your sample essay can be just as powerful if you are asked to write about a variety of topics.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Examples of Abstract For Research Papers

<h1>Examples of Abstract For Research Papers</h1><p>When attempting to think of instances of dynamic for inquire about papers, you can utilize a wide range of styles of composing. When making your theoretical, the reason for existing is to clarify your exploration such that the peruser will comprehend and appreciate perusing. It's the style of composing that issues, however the message you are sending to your reader.</p><p></p><p>How do you thought of instances of conceptual for investigate papers? You ought to consistently consider what might cause your perusers to feel great and what makes them read your article. Recollect that the initial introduction you establish is the most enduring connection. Attempt to discover various instances of dynamic for explore papers from various regions of science. These articles can likewise be free online at places like the Elsevier site or the Science Direct website.</p><p></p><p>W hat makes this sort of unique extraordinary is that it gives a brief portrayal of the examination. It doesn't part with all the subtleties of the examination. The key here is to ensure the peruser knows all that they have to know to comprehend your paper. For whatever length of time that you give them what is happening in the paper, they will know it and appreciate the article.</p><p></p><p>One thing to recall when composing a theoretical is to keep the principle thoughts in basic and direct. They don't need to be specialized terms. They can be only a short explanation about the fundamental thought of the research.</p><p></p><p>Examples of theoretical for explore papers can incorporate a physical model or a legitimate model. The consistent model depicts a wonder or the communication between two frameworks. It portrays the principle thought of the paper.</p><p></p><p>The physical model depicts a circumstance wher e the primary thought is being tried. This model will have numerous means to follow to get the analysis to work. The means are depicted in a straight organization to keep the peruser intrigued. In the two cases, the central matter of the paper is the thing that you want to accomplish from the research.</p><p></p><p>As long as you give instances of conceptual to examine papers, they will enable the peruser to comprehend your article. The most ideal approach to concoct instances of conceptual for examine papers is to begin with the fundamental thought and afterward experience the means. There are numerous approaches to concoct abstracts. There are a few recommendations here to assist you with getting started.</p>

Important Notes to Be Maintained While Selecting a Good Author to Write a Good Odyssey Essay Topic

<h1>Important Notes to Be Maintained While Selecting a Good Author to Write a Good Odyssey Essay Topic</h1><p>You may be thinking about what the significance of choosing a decent writer who can compose fantastic Odyssey paper themes is. What are the advantages? Are there any burdens to choosing the right writer?</p><p></p><p>There are two key material issues that should be considered in an insightful exposition, composing by a specialist. One is, obviously, quality and center, which will be depicted later. The other perspective that should be talked about here is the manner by which one should choose a decent writer to compose a skilled article on these material issues.</p><p></p><p>First of all, state that it isn't significant at all to work admirably composing a paper on these subjects. By working superbly, you are really helping yourself and your peruser discover significantly increasingly about the subject. However , composing a decent paper doesn't generally ensure a decent exposition theme. It is ideal to do a little research before making a decision.</p><p></p><p>Secondly, the way to do well in the exposition subjects is to compose unmistakably. At the point when we talk about successful journalists, they are the individuals who are acceptable at picking themes. They additionally realize how to catch the consideration of their perusers. They realize that how will generally be succinct and lucid.</p><p></p><p>To get a reasonable thought of what sort of paper you ought to compose on the point, do a pursuit on the Internet and get some answers concerning the subjects that numerous journalists have done before you. Typically, the ones who can compose the best Odyssey themes are the writers who have expounded on the point previously. This means on the off chance that you are an understudy who is searching for a decent Odyssey exposition theme, you should search for the pieces that different understudies have as of now written.</p><p></p><p>It is likewise astute to get a few suggestions from different individuals so you can think about the pieces that you have seen with the ones that others have composed. Thusly, you will likewise have the option to get what sort of points most understudies will be keen on. This will likewise assist you with seeing if you should focus on a solitary point or to compose a few exposition topics.</p><p></p><p>The exhortation given here is essential and one must be very much prepared so as to tail it. In any case, in the event that you follow the essential standards, you will most likely have extraordinary accomplishment with your composition. In any case, you ought to recollect that an appropriate choice of the correct subject will make a significant difference.</p>

Friday, May 8, 2020

How Much Over Can You Write in a College Essay?

How Much Over Can You Write in a College Essay?It is normal for the student writing college essays to be concerned about what they write and how much over their peers have written. This is all understandable, as the student may want to stand out from the crowd. What not everyone knows is that while it is really easy to determine the quantity of content that should be included, it is not as easy to judge how much over what. In order to answer this question, students need to learn a little bit more about quality control in writing.As a student, you must learn that there are no shortcuts to quality control. The only way to attain this goal is to take some time and really consider what you write. Most importantly, you must be aware of how your story or information has been exaggerated in order to fit it into the allotted word limit.When students want to know how much over can they write in a college essay, they do not necessarily realize that there is more to how much over can you write than just the word count. You also have to consider the quality of your source material.Unfortunately, many students try to circumvent quality control by using software programs such as Microsoft Word. These programs will automatically compress your material and produce a shorter work of fiction. It would be nice if you could say that you were doing this to produce a better product, but the truth is, this does not usually happen.Sometimes the best source of information is actually from the student's capabilities. Your opinion is your source material because it is honest and original. If you are doing research, then this gives you the ability to use that knowledge to be more creative.While the original source material can be overlooked when you want to know how much over can you write in a college essay, original information is extremely valuable to your writing. You are likely to create a unique message if you approach the topic with originality. So your opinion will matter when you are preparing to write a college essay.It is not surprising that some students with lower than average writing abilities are not aware of the importance of quality control when writing an essay. With some effort, they can learn to stay within the appropriate word length and still include creative ideas. They just need to make an effort.Now that you know how much over can you write in a college essay, there is no excuse for you to think that you can leave quality control out of the equation. While there are no shortcuts to quality control, it is always wise to do some research before writing. After all, even though you may feel that you are being creative, it is important to stay true to yourself.

Essay Topics and Examples - How Important Are They?

Essay Topics and Examples - How Important Are They?There are many different types of essay topics and examples that students need to consider when writing an essay. Many of these topics will come at the end of the essay or will be considered in the course of writing the whole thing. This is why it is so important to think of all the different types of topics and examples you might need to include in your essay.The first of these various types of topics and examples is a map of the world. An example of this would be 'I learned that a map shows the way and not the country.' There are many different examples of this, but for the sake of simplicity, let's say this is one that should be included in an essay on geography.Next, the sample questions might be a 'which parent taught the child about modesty?' The example might be if the question is 'how did you come to teach your child about modesty?' Another good example might be 'how did you come to teach your child about modesty?' The next e xample might be 'how did you come to teach your child about modesty?'Third, an example could be 'how did you come to teach your child about food? When my mother said we should have eaten, she meant being eaten. How did you come to teach your child about food?'Fourth, another example could be 'the famous writer. How did you come to teach your child about the famous writer?' These are all interesting examples that have already been written, but if you are really looking for something that has not been thought of, then you can always make a completely original topic yourself.Fifth, remember the examples that you have to include in your essay. Make sure that you think of them at least once before you begin writing. It is also a good idea to have some examples that you can refer to while you are writing the essay.Remember, there are many different examples that you need to consider. Write your essay from the perspective of a student, but also incorporate the opinions of experts, journali sts, and other outside sources.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Women’s Inequalities in the Workplace Essay - 1041 Words

Women’s Inequalities in the Workplace When you think of a CEO of a company or of world political leaders, do you think of a man or of a woman? Many, if not most of us, see these positions as being held by men. In this essay, I will explain why women are still not equal to men. In the first paragraph I will discuss inequalities that happen in the workplace. The second section will show the differences that occur within the athletic world. Thirdly, I will explain the differences in education and home life. Even though we are approaching the twenty-first century, women in our society are still not equal to men. In the workplace, women do not receive the same benefits that men do. Some women do†¦show more content†¦There are few professional women’s sports teams, and the salaries these women receive are very low compared to the men’s average. While men make hundreds of thousands or even millions, women are struggling to make fifty thousand. The average salary for a woman in the WNBA is $37,500. A big deal was made this year about the United States women’s soccer team winning the championship. A lot of the press was directed towards one thing-the fact that after the winning goal was scored by Brandi Chastain, she took off her shirt and swung it around her head, just as a man does. Some people found it wrong that she ran around in her sport’s bra. That move brought more attention to women’s soccer than it ever had before. Talk shows and comedy persons mocked her repeatedly. I saw it on at least three shows myself. This is the most media cov erage women in sports have seen in a long time. College women’s teams will only make the news on a very rare occasion. In order to help women, a bill, Title IX, was passed in 1972 so high school and college girls could get a fair share of the budget. Title IX states, â€Å"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or any activity receiving federal financial assistance.† For every dollar spent on women’s sports, three have been spent on men’s.Show MoreRelated Gender and Power in the Workplace Essay1644 Words   |  7 PagesGender and Power in the Workplace This essay is an analysis of contemporary issues associated with gender and power in the workplace; which will specifically include a discussion of gender relations, stereotyping, women’s identity, the structuring of formal and informal power, sources of inequality, and sexual harassment. The concept of gender in relation to the division of labor in the workplace, and in relation to issues of power and control is an unfortunate, groundless stereotype. SuzanneRead MoreGender And Work : Women s Roles1618 Words   |  7 Pagesmaintain both authority and inequality. Women’s roles throughout history shed a light on the expectations and stereotypes that exist today; however, navigating a gendered economy and overcoming sex segregation continues to be a challenging task for most women. Wages continue to be uneven, and wives continue to bear most of the child rearing and domestic responsibilities despite increasingly working the same amount as their husbands do. Becoming educated on these inequalities and viewing them with a sociologicalRead More Gender Equality Essay example898 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscrimination still present today, and one place it is most relevant is in the workplace. Not only are workers separated by gender in their place of work, but also, many women are being segregated inside their own group by race. Suzanne Pharr’s book Homophobia, A Weapon of Sexism as well as Alice Kessler-Harris’s article, The Wage Conceived are prominent writings that prove this abundance of discrimination is still plaguing workplaces nationwide. The points of Pharr and Kessler-Harris are valued to questionRead MoreGender Inequality863 Words   |  4 PagesFischer Gender Inequality in a Global Perspective What is Gender Inequality? Like others, a social problem that is widespread in American society is Gender inequality. It is a problem that has had a negative impact on American society. Gender inequality can be found in many sub-systems of America. It is important to understand what gender inequality is in order to identify and correct the problem. Two sub-systems that gender inequality can be found are in the family and in the workplace. Gender inequalityRead MoreGender Inequality And The Social Construction Of Gender1562 Words   |  7 Pagessocial construction of gender, race, class, and sexuality have led to discrimination and inequality of those classified under a variety of these categories. Through understanding the significance of these social constructs on society it becomes apparent the intersectionality they have when it comes to understanding why certain groups may face discrimination or inequality. This paper examines gender inequality and how the social construction of gender makes it difficult for the pursuit of equalityRead MoreThe Structural Inequality Between Men And Women875 Words   |  4 PagesI will be talking about the structural inequality between men and women in a work place. I will argue that women should be able to excel and reach the same high management position as a man. Over several years, many industries have made significant changes in their work environment to achieve equality between genders. When looking back on what seems to be a societal norm, wage discrimination has always been in favour of men. A main issue in the workplace is that women are often separated into jobRead MoreTaking a Look at Gender Inequality1182 Words   |  5 PagesGender inequality has become one of the oldest issues throughout society. Gender inequality can be described as unequal treatment or specific perceptions based on an individual’s gender. In most cases, it has developed over time with the socially constructed gender roles the society portrays. It was said â€Å"Nearly one-third of women said they feel discriminated against or treated unfairly based on their gender at least once a week. Opportunities are wasted if stereotypes and biases evaluate peopleRead MoreEssay On Gender Inequality1091 Words   |  5 Pagesbeen many inequalities that the world has b een faced with; whether it is race, gender, or ethnic background. I am writing you, the representatives for Equal Rights to discuss an urgent concern of American women in the workplace. Although gender inequality is decreasing, it still exists and makes a lot of people suffer its consequences every day. Gender inequality is unfair rights between male and female based on different gender roles which leads to unequal treatment. Gender inequality has been widelyRead MoreGender Inequality During The Workplace1613 Words   |  7 PagesGender Inequality in the Workplace It was the holiday season and the workers were vigorously working to receive that desperately needed bonus. The day before the holiday break, the workers were eagerly lined up to receive their checks along with their bonuses. After receiving their checks, Susan got a glimpse of Christopher’s check and she noticed how she was paid far less than him even though they both had the same position and worked the same amount of hours. Throughout various aspects of societyRead MoreWorkplace Inequality And Gender Inequality1678 Words   |  7 PagesWorkplace Inequality Brittany N. Shipley Central Penn College Abstract As you are reading you will be informed of the many factors that can contribute to workplace inequality. Three factors associated with workplace would include (1) the individuals gender can determine compensation (2) the race or ethnicity of an individual (3) the age of the individuals. All such factors contribute to the issues of workplace inequality, not only in gender but race and age as well. Keywords: Compensation, job

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Prevention of the Environmental Pollution

Question: As an environmental consultant, your role is to provide guidelines and information on issues related to the impact of the present transportation systems on the environment, in general, and the local populations, in particular. Analyse and discuss how this kind of impact can be prevented, if not, minimised. At the same time, link the most efficient approach in implementing renewable energy systems such as biofuel production and electricity generation to be used for the new transport system you are presently advising and supporting to replace the old one. The new system should confirm to sustainability in relation to the economic, social and environmental issues. By doing so, you may need to establish a monitoring scheme and an enforcement programme. Provide a critical analysis related to the present system: Harmful Waste Materials Air Pollution Noise Land Take Answer: Introduction Now days the pollution of the environment has increased in a rapid manner. The transport system has the great impact on the pollution of the environment because of the burns of the petroleum product. Due to this impact of such a huge range of the pollution the health issues also becomes the matter of concern. The impact of the environment is categorized into three categories (Triantis and Maddox, 1956): Direct Impacts: Under the direct impact it includes the recent consequence that affects the environment in a very maximum rate. Indirect impacts: The indirect impact is the secondary impact of the environment due to the environment. The consequences of the indirect impact are much powerful in nature than the direct impact, and the effects of the relationship are misunderstood and also become the matter of the difficulty to establish. Cumulative impacts: The cumulative impacts concern both the direct and the indirect impacts of the environment which is the indirect multiplicative of the both the direct and the indirect impact (Patricios and Stretton, 1980). The main approach to this assignment focused on the impact of the environment. It mainly includes the transport related environmental issues like the noise pollution, air pollution, reduction of the harmful waste materials, land take, etc (Ameh, 2014). Harmful Waste Materials The modernization and the rapid growth of the world have both the advantages and the disadvantages. In the disadvantage part, the main issues of the concern are land, air, and water. The solid waste material that causes the harmful effect on the environment is mainly the solid waste materials of the industry. The exposure of these harmful wastes, which cannot be decomposed affect the human health. As a result, it can cause the serious diseases and on the other side it is the environment issues that can lead to the chemical poisoning of the environment. Under the topic of the harmful waste materials, there come some of the points as the waste materials of the agriculture and the industries which obstruct the flow of the water resulting the formation of the stagnant water. It becomes the good place of the breeding of the deadly diseases. Direct disposal of the untreated substances from the industries to the rivers, seas results in the accumulation of the toxic substance and after that it becomes used in our food chain because both the animals and the plants are served with this water. Disposal of the waste materials of the hospitals to the environment can create the serious health issues. These types of the waste come from the laboratories, hospitals, health care center etc. In these waste materials it includes the disposal of the used syringe, bandages, plaster etc. In the prevention of these harmful wastes to cause the dangerous impact on both the health and the environment there should be needed for the implementation of the waste treatment plant so that after the disposal of all the industrial waste can go to these plant so that the treatment can be done so that it cannot effect the environment before coming in contact with the environment. The waste materials should be disposed of to any of the particular areas so that it cannot effect the environment and after the disposal it needs to be filling that dumped place. Recycling can also be done of the but if it is not done in the proper way it can also effect the environment. Some of the things that cannot be recycled are plastic that is causing the severe damage to the environment, syringe, etc. Air pollution Alongside by harming the human health, air pollution can also the serious effects on the environment also. Some of the environmental effects of the air pollution are listed below: Ozone depletion: we all know ozone is the layer of the gas in the earth's upper layer which is also known as stratosphere. Ozone gas forms a particular layer that affects the Earth from the UV rays of the sun. But this protecting layer is now depleting due to the man-made chemicals that are also known as the ozone layer depleting. It also causes some of the health issues that includes skin cancer, cataracts, etc. Changes of the global climate: due to this imbalance of the environment it occurs the severe changes of the climate. To balance this environment there are some naturally occurring gas which traps the excess of the sun rays so that it prevents the earth forms this excess heat that is also known as global warming and the protected phenomenon is known as green house effect. Due to this global warming the amount of the rainfall also decreases at a maximum rate (Domańska and Wojtylak, 2014). To prevent these changes of the environment it is needed to plant more trees so that it can balance the atmosphere and also bring the rainfall that can give the cooling effects to the environment (Othman et al., 2014). Needs to reduce the numbers cars and bikes form the road through which the fumes of the petroleum can be decreased and also can use the vehicles that are using most the renewable energy such as wind energy and solar energy. Here it needs to minimize the emission of the smoke which can severely cause the environment directly. Avoid the burning of the house hold garbage's on own which emits the smoke in a very maximum in number. At last needs to follow the rules and the regulation on the daily basis so that the environment pollution can be reduced to some extent (Sax and Goodman, 2014). It requires implementing the advanced technology to control the air pollution. Some of these are fabric filter, wet scrubbers, etc. (Climate science: Warming could boost air pollution, 20 14). Noise The disturbing or the excessive of the noise may effect or harm the natural balance of the human, and the animal life is referred to as the noise pollution. There are some of the effects of the noise pollution which are described below (Morgul and Dal, 2012): Transport system: Excess numbers of the vehicles, underground trains, etc. produce the excess amount of the noise that leads to the massive noise pollution. These types of the noise sometimes reduce the hearing capability of the human. Industrialization: Industries are using the some of the large machines that produce the excess amount of the sound. If the industries are placed in the rural areas, it can cause the severe effects of the environment which results in the loss of the hearing capacity of the people. So to reduce this type effects the workers are must see doing work by wearing the ear plug (Michel and Rutherford, 2014). Construction activities: Some of the construction activities like construction of the dams, mine, bridge, roads, etc. which is very common in the every place of the world also effect the environment severely. It also creates the disturbances in the human life. The equipments that are used for these large constructions are also very noisy in nature. Poor urban planning: urban planning also plays the most important part in the noise pollution. Congested structure of the house, the large structure of the families in a small space, occurrence of the frequent fights also creates the negative impacts on the environment of the society. Some of the steps that prevent the noise pollution are listed below (Mutairi, 2012): To use the car horns when needed unless no need to beep the horns. Keep the switch off the TV, radio, etc. if nobody is watching so that it cannot cause the unnecessary sound pollution. Plants more numbers of trees and plants that help in reducing the sound by absorbing the maximum percentage of the sound (Olayinka, 2012). Cutting the large usage of the DJ, public function, etc. so that it can reduce the pollution of the noise to some extent and also use the loudspeakers into the considerable amount. Strengthening the laws to control the noise pollution and also makes it punishable if anybody violates the laws (Duncan, 2014). Land take Land take is the other name of the land pollution. It tells about the destruction of the land surfaces or the misuse of the land resources on the direct or the indirect basis. Land pollution is also classified into the various categories some of them are given below: Throwing of the solid types of the wastes like plastics, papers, and also the some of the things which are not biodegradable in nature acquires the places in more amounts which also lead to the land pollution (Chen and Ye, 2014). As the things are not, get easily decomposed they are getting piled up for the many years that get the harmful effects of the land. Some of the causes of the land take or land pollution is given below: Soil erosion and deforestation: Both the soil erosion and the deforestation are the matter of concern for now days. Plants and the trees are cutting down at a very rapid rate that is resulting in both the soil erosion and the deforestation. One of the main reasons of this land take is the land conversion that means the modification or the alteration of the natural land to the suitable land so that it becomes worthy for the specific purpose. Due to this the destruction of the land occurs. Lack age of the rainfall is the cause of the soil erosion, and the deforestation is the reason of the shortage of the rainfall (Kleiber, 2012). Agricultural purpose: as now days the rate of the increase in the human population is growing very fast so gradually the demand of the food is also increasing. To meet this demand, the farmer are using many of the toxic fertilizers and also the many of the other substance so that they can protect the plant from the acts of the pest and insects. So the use of these types of medicine affects the soil abruptly. Industrialization: The rates of the industry are also growing very fast to meet the daily needs of the human. It also creates the much numbers of the disposal of the waste material on the land which is also the one of the main reason of the land pollution. As the used chemicals and medicine is highly toxic so that the direct disposal of these types of waste makes the soil highly contaminated (Chen and Wei, 2014). Construction purpose: as the urbanization is also increasing so the naturally the amount of the construction is increasing gradually. Due to this construction the plants and the trees are cutting down miserably. And also the waste articles like bricks, woods, plastic are covering the most areas and also contaminating the land in a major rate. Nuclear waste materials: Nuclear plants are also producing the huge amount of the energy by nuclear fission and the fusion. After this producing all the waste materials are also becoming very toxic in nature that after coming to the contact with the nature becomes very toxic for the environment and the people (Bradley, 2012). Human health effects: as the land becomes contaminated with the toxic materials it also affects the human health by leading to the skin cancer, problem with the respiratory system which leads to the major effects in the human health (Krger, Mrotzek and Wirtz, 2014). To prevent the land pollution needed to take some of the major steps that can reduce the land pollution to some extent: Minimize the use of the insecticides, fertilizers and the pesticides in the time of the agriculture because the much use of these types of materials makes the land contaminated and also harmful for the environment. Use of the biodegradable product so that it can easily decompose and not causes any type of the environmental issues. Needs to organize the campaign, programs, etc. so that people can get aware of this type of problem and also the concept of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse (Cincinelli et al., 2012). Recommendations Some of the recommendations for preventing the environment pollution are given bellow: 1. It needs to achieve the objectives by the appropriate combination of some or most of the following means by doing the efficient use of the energy, by strictly controlling the emissions of the air pollutant and also to increase the energy of the non-fossil sources. 2. It needs to refer to some of the guidance principles that are set out below, which becomes the most of the important part of the recommendation to control the environmental pollution. 3. It needs to pursue the more policies which are needs to control the pollution more effectively at an acceptable level to decrease the pollution of the environment. Conclusion Thus, to conclude it can be said that the study appropriately identified the overall effects of the environmental pollution and also discusses the prevention of the environmental pollution. The study also explained how to maintain these steps of the prevention so that it can reduce the pollution to some extent. In addition, it also discusses the issues that are occurring due to the rise of the pollution. Further, the study also appropriately also explained the issues how they are affecting the human and also to what extent the human health are also getting effected by this type of environmental pollution (McCrink-Goode, 2014). Reflective log In this assignment I represented the whole about of the types, causes and the prevention of the pollution of the environment. In the above study I describe elaborately all about how prevention are needed to be taken if the prevention of the environment are not taken what are the major issues are reflected due to the pollution. First of all I describe about the pollution of the environment which causes by the harmful waste materials, air pollution and the soil pollution or land take and also describe the main reason of these types of pollutions. By doing this study I also get to know about many things of the pollutions which is not known to me to that elaborate extent. I get shocked to know that how the waste materials of the hospitals, industries and also the house hold work are disposed openly to the bare land and by that how the environment and the human are gets effected. How the ozone layer are getting depleted due to the increase of the maximum percentage of the air pollution an d due to this how the environment and the human are getting effected with the UV rays which are coming from the sun. I also get to know that the vegetables which we are consuming are getting affected and also becoming toxic due to these different types of the pollution which are causes in our environment. By getting the ideas about the pollution I also acquire the ideas of the prevention of these pollutions to some extent because I know that the pollutions cannot be removed from the environment in a full manner. So we needs to take steps how to tell the people and also makes them more conscious about the pollution so that everybody can take the daily measure to protect the environment because it is all about us only. To makes the people more conscious there needs to make the people more conscious and also the people who do not know about these there needs to organize the campaign, awareness program so that they can about the whole disadvantage about this types of pollution and also have the proper idea about the prevention. I feel that mostly in the rural side they needs to organize and to take the drastic steps to give the whole knowledge about the pollutions which will helps them in a greater way. 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